Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Tour of the Wall

The number one reason we picked Lucca for our European sabbatical? Here it is. Lucca’s wall. Over the last nine months, we have pretty much lived in a town surrounded by a big park. This mainly pedestrian city was fortified by a wall which had it’s early beginnings in the second century BC. It was then completely replaced in Roman times with a medieval wall with work lasting from the eleventh to the thirteenth century. The wall we enjoy today was expanded during the Renaissance, part of a greater expansion of Lucca, and was completed in 1650. There is a lot of history here! Not only are the walls amazing, but the area surrounding the walls is free from development and is a protected green space. 

Our apartment is just down the street from an entrance to the wall. We can see out our window all the runners, bikers, and strollers that pass by everyday. We can see the many breeds of dog that are walked, and we enjoy watching people buy gelato when Marco is out with his cart.

Here are five other reasons why we LOVE Lucca’s walls and why we think you would too!

It can be enjoyed anytime of the year. There are two distinctive sections of the wall. The old side has big, well established trees which keep the lane shady anytime of day, so even when it’s hot and humid out, it feels cool and relaxing. The opposite side of the wall is new(ish). It has wide, expanded road which is great for kids on training wheels and those touristy four person bicycle carts. The trees here are only five to ten years old which allows the lane to receive full sun the majority of the day. For a runner (which I sometimes claim to be), it’s tempting to just run the shady side when it’s hot and the sunny side when it’s cold!

shady side

sunny side

It’s a kids paradise. Within a stone’s throw of the wall there is access to several playgrounds as well as stand alone swing sets on the wall itself. Around every turn medieval forts and ruins make for great places to play hide and seek, explore, build fairy houses or make believe. 

Makes for a romantic date. Be it picnic lunch, midnight stroll, or mid-afternoon nap, you and your honey can find a little piece of nature and intimate conversation. Being so close to the wall, Dave and I have taken advantage of getting out for a walk or run sans listening ears anytime our apartment feels a little too cramped. Even if the wall is busy, it’s a breath of fresh air! If you’re getting hungry, or in the mood for an apartif, there are several nice restaurants right on the wall. Want to take in some art? There are seasonal exhibits and shows in buildings on the wall. Or, you can also enjoy spying the terrace gardens on the surrounding villas and apartments.

Not only trees and flowers, but animals too! Yes there are a lot of trees. And in the spring, right after Easter, the wildflowers take over. It’s breathtaking. We’ve also found worms, bugs, and many species of birds. But beyond that, there is also the Lucca Botanical Garden right next to the wall, just a few blocks from our apartment. Along with exotic trees an flowers, there is a huge pond with fish and turtles!!! The turtle is Ashley’s favorite animal and they are abundant here. The girls love popping into the garden and watching the turtles climb up onto a lily pad or hoping that one makes his way onshore. If that’s not enough excitement for you, we have a resident muscovy duck that lives next to the canal that has his own house. The locals leave him food and our girls have named him Sam.

The Sunday afternoon stroll. In Europe, Sundays are kept as a day to slow down and spend time with family. Many stores and restaurants are closed. You will find this especially true in small towns. In Lucca, this is an opportunity to get out with your family and your dog for a walk around the wall. We have seen more dogs here, and many breeds we are unfamiliar with, than we are accustomed to. It was not too long after moving here that we decided we wanted to get a dog when we got back to the states. If you’re looking for a time to have the wall to yourself, avoid Sunday afternoon and evening. But, if you’re a local wanting to socialize, this is the time to get out. There is nothing else going on in town so might as well check in with all your friends and neighbors and get some exercise too!


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